Mapping Stories – The Saint Agnes Sessions

The St. Agnes sessions were a series of interactive animation projections on buildings throughout Raleigh, North Carolina, from October 27 – November 13 2018.

The main site was the historic St. Agnes hospital. The project included artist workshops, community sessions and student programming in collaboration with local artists, musicians and performers who have been working with OMAi to develop unique content for each site using Tagtool. These collaborations celebrated the history and heritage of Saint Agnes Hospital at Saint Augustine’s University.

Participating Artists

Tarish “Jeghetto” Pipkins, Phillip Bernard Smith, André Leon Gray, Lincoln Hancock, Finn Cohen, Anthony Kelley, Dare Coulter, DJ House, Nate Key “The Flow,” Eugene Taylor Drum Prophet, Harriet Hoover, Napoleon Wright of Pan II Creative, Kaili Ingram, Cameron Philyaw, Justin Perry and Tyree Daye of Press Play Poetz, The North Carolina Association of Black Storytellers, William Paul Thomas, Sean Knight and Victor Knight, Robin Vuchnich, Adam Cohen, Maki + iink

Project Partners

This project was supported by Saint Augustine’s University, Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts and the North Carolina Museum of Art. Additional project partners included the Envision Saint Agnes Hospital Planning Committee, VAE Raleigh, Artspace and North Carolina State University, Downtown Raleigh Alliance, Chico Scott and Empire Properties.